Woman Posts Video To Try And Find One-Night Stand Who Got Her Pregnant

A French woman is hoping a viral video she made will help track down a man who reportedly got her pregnant during a one-night stand.

 On her last night of vacation in Australia, Natalie Amyot claimed she experienced “love at first sight” when she met a blonde Australian man at a party. The Paris native said she instantly bonded with the man and then had some end-of-holiday fun before leaving to go back home the next morning. While venturing back home, Amyot claimed she lost her phone and, subsequently, the mystery Australian guy’s number.

Six weeks later, things got slightly worse when she found out she was pregnant — allegedly because of the one-night stand she had on the last night of her vacation. Natalie is hoping a journey back to Australia paired with a viral video she made is enough to potentially bring this man back into her life. During its two year ru, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip.