Uhuru Kenyatta Tears CNN A New One #UhuruTellsCNN
The media conglomerate got some clap back about a week shy of the GES summit for the 'Hot Bed Of Terror Comment 'and now the President of Kenya is giving them his two cents in a series of tweets.
Here is the series of tweets sent out:
You mischaracterized Kenya. You also angered Government&Kenyans with the 'hotbed story' #UhuruTellsCNN, EVP and MD Tonny Maddox @cnni #KOT.
We don't expect to be showered with praise,we accept honest criticism.That is how we grow #UhuruTellsCNN EVP&MD Tonny Maddox @cnni #KOT.
I want to get on record that the people of Kenya are not happy with that kind of coverage #UhuruTellsCNN, EVP and MD Tonny Maddox @cnni
#KOT 'Hotbed' made Kenya look like it is the origin of terror,when the truth is we are not #UhuruTellsCNN, EVP&MD Tonny Maddox @cnni #KOT
The 'hotbed' story looked like an intentional attempt to render our efforts useless #UhuruTellsCNN, EVP&MD Tonny Maddox. @cnni #KOT
The timing of the 'hotbed' story was unfortunate.The world was focused on #MagicalKenya #UhuruTellsCNN EVP&MD Tonny Maddox.@cnni #KOT.
Our troops have played a key role in restoring stability in a neighbouring country and saved the world from terror #UhuruTellsCNN #KOT @cnni.
@cnni chose an office in Kenya because they find it comfortable&safe,your reporters should not say the opposite #UhuruTellsCNN #KOT.
Mr.Tonny Maddox as MD of @cnni what have you seen in Nairobi that makes Kenya a 'hotbed'? Nairobi is like other cities #UhuruTellsCNN @cnni.
We accept factual,true and fair reporting. We encourage @cnni to pursue that kind of journalism. #UhuruTellsCNN #KOT @cnni." During its two year ru, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip. During its two year run, the project will award approximately 100 major reporting grants and provide mentoring to support the best ideas for stories on development issues. Journalists who produce the best stories published or broadcasted in media that reach African audiences, will win a major international reporting trip.